Are you about ready to plant and grow a new calamondin orange tree? Follow these steps to make sure you grow an orange tree that's healthy and abundant!
Growing a calamondin orange tree is much easier than you’d think! They’re miniature and fairly low-maintenance. Taking action at the beginning of a plants life can be the most important time for optimal growth. With a little help along the way, you’ll have fresh oranges growing soon.
Find out how to take better care of your Calamondin tree with the tips below.
1. Get The Right Citrus Variety For Your Calamondin Orange Tree
First thing’s first: you’ll want to grow your calamondin tree in a suitable container to regulate its size. A container too large could have your calamondin fruit grow in excess and may be hard to control.
Try sourcing a mature or semi-mature citrus plant, particularly from a greenhouse or citrus nursery. These citrus plants can be shipped right to your front door. Avoid buying a plant already blooming or bearing fruit. Those are more likely to fall as the plant gets accustomed to your home.
2. Find The Best Location
Orange trees need light, even in the winter months. When growing calamondin trees indoors, choose a bright room and a spot away from doors that frequently open. You’ll need to avoid any harsh heat. Or to make things simpler: purchase a grow light like this.
3. Maintain A Watering Schedule
Calamondin orange trees need consistent moisture. If it’s too dry, the flowers and fruit are likely to drop. But never overwater citrus plants. That causes the leaves to wilt and turn yellow.
One way to water your orange tree is in the sink. This way water can flush through the pot before you drain it from the soil. The base of the pot should never sit in water.
4. Don't Forget To Pollinate
When your calamondin tree starts to bloom, it’ll need to be pollinated. Using an electric pollination tool helps move the pollen from each flower on the plant.
5. Still, Give Your Citrus Plant Sun
While the weather is warm, keep your orange tree outdoors on a patio or deck. It should only need sun from the morning until 12 or 1 in the afternoon. Otherwise, it’ll need shade to avoid any heat stress.
6. Remember To Fertilize
Orange trees require fertilization during their growing season, between March through early August. Use a liquid, organic fertilizer like seaweed or liquid kelp. Repeat this every two to three weeks.
7. Leaves Dropping Is Totally Normal
Don’t be discouraged if you notice many or even all of the leaves to your orange tree fallen. When moved either outdoors or indoors, citrus plants will naturally drop. It’s its way of adjusting to the light. Give the plant time and new leaves will grow.
8. Keep Your Calamondin Orange Tree Pruned
Remove dead or diseased branches from your calamondin tree by pruning often. You should pinch back any water sprouts or spurs that grow from the trunk or roots.
9. Remember The Seasons
Your calamondin orange tree should be indoors whenever the temperature drops into the 50’s. Remember to keep the citrus plant in the brightest location, avoiding extreme heat (or extreme cold).
It’s crucial that your plant is getting all of the different light levels it will need to flourish. Inspect the leaves regularly and before bringing your plant inside during the fall months. Any insect infestations should be treated carefully with an organic recipe.
Growing your own calamondin orange tree sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? Check out our citrus blog for more citrus gardening tips and tricks!
Growing trees is fun, but if you want to have delicious, seasonal citrus fruit right away, join the Craft Citrus Club!
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