Becoming a Citrus Tree Grower

Interested in Becoming a Citrus Tree Grower? Here's What You Should Do!

Interested in Becoming a Citrus Tree Grower? Here's What You Should Do!

Interested in becoming a citrus tree grower? First of all, congrats. Now what? If you're feeling stuck, here's what you need to know to grow citrus trees!

Did you know that there are more than 74 million citrus trees just in Florida alone?

As people get older, they tend to move from places with colder climates to those with warmer climates. And if you live in the Citrus Belt, which is an area that stretches from California to Florida, then you can pretty much plant a citrus tree any time of year.

If you're interested in becoming a citrus tree grower, then you've come to the right place. Continue reading and we'll walk you through everything you need to know.

Pick the Right Tree

There are many types of citrus trees available for growing. Because of this, it's important that you do your research and pick the citrus tree that's best for you.

Think about your budget and lifestyle.

Do you enjoy oranges? How about Meyer lemons? These trees are going to cost different amounts, produce different fruits, and grow under different conditions.

These are all things you have to consider when picking your tree.

Remember to Water Your Tree

For your trees to grow strong and healthy, you need to make sure that they are watered regularly. The soil should be kept moist and you shouldn't let the trees dry out.

A newly planted tree is going to need to be watered frequently. A mature citrus tree that has a 20-foot canopy can sometimes require up to 200 gallons of water every week during the summer months.

These are things you should know about before picking your tree.

Use a Balanced Fertilizer

You should use a fertilizer for citrus trees that contains phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen as well as trace elements of manganese, zinc, and iron.

You should fertilize through the year. Try to remember to fertilize your tree on Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Valentine's Day.

Understand There Will Be Some Pests

Luckily, citrus trees don't attract a ton of pests, but there will be some. Your tree may be visited by red mites, thrips, and aphids.

Because you'll presumably want to eat the fruit, you'll want to avoid toxic insecticides. By spraying the plant with water, you can successfully keep a lot of pests at bay. But this won't work when the temperature outside is above 90 degrees or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Your Citrus Tree Might Become Too Successful

If you end up with loads up grapefruit but don't really like grapefruit, you might actually have an overabundance issue on your hands. Having too much citrus can actually lead to an invasion of roof rats.

If you don't pick your fruit promptly then you might end up having to call in an exterminator to help keep the rats away from your trees and your home.

Being Prepared if You Want to Be a Citrus Tree Grower

Becoming a citrus tree grower can be a rewarding and fruitful endeavor. It's important, however, to be prepared and know what you're getting yourself into so you can minimize the frustration and maximize the fun.

Growing trees is fun, but if you want to have delicious, seasonal citrus fruit right away, join the Craft Citrus Club!

Get a curated box of fresh-harvested citrus fruit from South Texas sent to your door every month!

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