Citrus Fruit Trees

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Lots of Fruit From Your Citrus Trees

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Lots of Fruit From Your Citrus Trees

Citrus trees don't need pruning to fruit well, but they may need pruning to fit in your backyard. Here's how to produce lots of fruit from your citrus trees.

Looking to get more fruit from your citrus fruit trees? Wondering if you should prune your trees and when?

It's definitely satisfying to walk in your backyard and pick healthy citrus fruit right off the tree. The vitamin C in fresh citrus is known for being an antioxidant, and vitamin C is also good for healthy teeth and gums, wound healing, and keeping your lymphatic system healthy.

Here are some tips on citrus tree care to help you grow more fruit.

Plenty of Sun

If you are not seeing as much fruit as you would like, take a look at the placement of your tree. Citrus plants need at least five hours of sun to grow properly.

Whether your tree is in a pot or in the ground, you want to make sure it gets plenty of light. North-facing is best because of its a warm and sunny position.

If you live in a cooler climate, try putting your plant near a sunny wall to help get some additional radiated heat.

Proper Pruning for Growth

You may be wondering: when is the best time to prune your trees? The answer is, it depends.

If you have young citrus trees, you should prune your trees in the winter. This spurs growth.

If you want to slow down the growth of your trees and make them smaller, you should prune in the summer.

Why does the timing matter? This is because of your tree's seasonal energy cycles. You can manage the amount of energy your tree gets to either inhibit or boost growth.

Spring pruning will also slow growth. You should not prune in the fall because it can spur growth, which you don't want right before winter because that new growth will most likely die with a heavy frost.

You do not need to prune trees to produce fruit. It helps with the growth (or slows down the growth) of the tree.

To prune, first remove any dead, diseased, or broken limbs. Then remove any water sprouts or crossing limbs. You should then remove any growth that causes crowding and won't let the air circulate in the tree.

This means you will want to open up the center of the tree for airflow. You should also cut back a few shoots and buds after fruiting.


The feeder roots on citrus trees are shallow, so they need to be protected. You should add mulch for protection but make sure the mulch does not touch the trunk.

Feed the trees with pellets and fertilizer throughout the season, especially the start of each season.

Make sure you select a citrus tree or plant fertilizer that is intended for citrus trees. You can also choose between spikes, sprays, and mixtures, as well as either traditional and organic.

Taking Care of Your Citrus Trees

With these tips, you can provide better care for your citrus trees. Make sure you give your tree plenty of sun, water, and proper nutrients.


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