Repotting Indoor Citrus Trees

Top Tips for Repotting Indoor Citrus Trees

Top Tips for Repotting Indoor Citrus Trees

Are you looking to repot your indoor citrus trees? Read on to learn about the top tips for repotting your indoor trees for healthy growth and fruit-bearing.

Do you have indoor citrus trees that need to be re-potted?

If you're growing citrus plants at home, odds are they will need to be re-potted at some point during their life span. Either your trees will outgrow their pots, or you'll want to change up your decor.

Re-potting might seem like a difficult process, but if you know what you're doing it will go smoothly. Keep reading to learn more about the re-potting process, so your trees stay happy and healthy for as long as possible.

How to Re-Pot Indoor Trees and Plants

When you're ready to re-pot your trees, make sure you pick the correct pot size. You don't want to choose something that's too big, as it can cause your tree to die. The best rule of thumb is to choose a pot with a diameter that is no more than one third or one half the height of the tree.

After you've selected your pot, you're ready to re-pot your indoor trees. Here are a few helpful tips to make the process easier on both of you:

1. Water Your Trees

Indoor citrus trees need to be watered regularly, but you should give them an extra drink for a couple days leading up to re-potting. This will make it easier to get the tree out of its current pot and keep it hydrated during the transfer process. A hydrated tree is less likely to die once it's moved.

2. Loosen Up The Root Ball

Once you're ready to move, pull the tree out of its pot and loosen up the root ball. If you see any black or dead roots, remove those with a pair of gardening sheers. Loosening the roots will help the tree absorb nutrients from its new soil.

3. Re-Pot and Clean

Once you've moved your trees to a new pot, give them a fresh helping of nutrient-dense soil and fertilizer. Clean up any mess around the base of the pot and give your indoor trees a fresh drink of water. The soil should just be lightly damp but not soaking. Too much water in a new pot can kill your trees.

What To Do After You Re-Pot

After you change the size of the pot that your indoor trees have called home, they might enter a shock stage. Although it sounds scary, it's normal for a tree that's just been re-potted.

To make sure they survive this period, give your trees a break from watering for about a week. You should also relocate them to a cooler and shadier spot. This process will help them relax, adjust to the new pot and start to grow again.

Learn More About Caring for Citrus Trees

Caring for indoor trees can be time-consuming, but it's well worth the work. There are tons of different types of indoor trees, particularly citrus trees, that can thrive indoors with proper citrus tree care.

Check out the rest of our citrus blog for more helpful tips on caring for your indoor trees.


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