Growing a Persian (Tahitian) Lime Tree

Persian Lime Care: Growing Your Own Tahitian Lime Tree

Persian Lime Care: Growing Your Own Tahitian Lime Tree

Persian (Tahitian) lime trees can grow up to 20 feet tall. Find out more about Persian lime care and how to grow your own healthy and abundant Tahiti lime tree.

While certain fruits including citrus fruit can be found and grown in different parts of the globe, each region tends to have its own variety. The weather and soil conditions dictate differences in both the plant itself and the fruit it bears.

For instance, there are over 20 different species of lime! If you're wanting to grow your own lime tree, it's important to know how to tend your exact variety to help it thrive and produce the best fruit. Keep reading to learn about the Persian or Tahitian lime, and how to keep this particular citrus tree happy.

Tahitian Lime Trees

The Persian (Tahitian) lime tree, is a bit of a mystery in origin. Some testing indicates it hails from Southeast Asia via India and China, but wherever its initial origins, it was first found growing in the US in a California garden.

Shortly thereafter it was brought to and cultivated in Florida, where it was grown for commercial use for quite some time. Today it's grown extensively in Mexico, some Central American countries and other subtropical countries like Egypt and Israel for commercial export.

Larger than other lime varieties, with year-round yields and juicy fruit with a perfect tart flavor, the Persian lime is one of the most popular in the world.

You can grow this versatile plant at your own home and enjoy the fruits of your labor no matter where you live if you know how to do it right.

Persian Limes in Containers

With a few varieties excluding, most citrus fruit needs a subtropical climate to thrive. In the US, this means growing zones south of nine.

However, even if you live in an area where the snow takes over half of the year, you can still grow and enjoy fresh Persian limes as long as you have a window with good Southern exposure and know-how to care for your tree in a container.

Make sure the tree you purchase is in disease-free condition and isn't planted in a pot too small for it, where the roots have been constricted. For example, the container should be between 2 to 25 gallons in size and taller than the roots of the tree.

Even with a southern facing window, you may not get enough sun exposure to give your lime tree the 6-8 hours of hot sun they prefer. A grow light is a must for most citrus trees and fruit grown indoors.

Care and Maintenance

Indoors or outdoors, the Tahitian lime prefers sandy, well-draining soil. A potting soil specifically for citrus trees is best, but a mix of commercial potting soil, peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite will also work.

Don't plant your tree in soil that stays wet for long periods of time.

When planting a new tree, whether in a container or outdoors, dig a hole large enough for the roots to spread out, and bury it to the crown of the roots. Water well and keep watered regularly until established.

Every several months for the first year, especially for indoor trees, add a fertilizer mix for citrus trees to add essential soil nutrients. Your tree will blossom in February to April, and you'll be eating your own homegrown limes in no time!

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